Clara, Olivia and Andrew

Clara, Olivia and Andrew
The 3 Amigos

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Jeremy returns, Grandma Jannita, Grandpa Tim, Aunt Hannah, Aunt Sarah and Aunt Rachel come to Palo Alto

The Hoff family enjoys dinner. Tim and Jannita repaired the 5th wheel. (the Baker women apparently have not retained that pioneer spirit) Olivia looks bigger each day. She weighs 1lb. 15 ounces.
When the nurses evaluate the babies, they give their noses a break and then we can get some great pictures. Their nurses are some of the most dedicated and hard working people we have ever met. They love the twins and do everything to keep them safe and help them to grow.

Both the girls love to have their hands near their mouths. It is a comfort
to them. This is Olivia with her mom.

This is Clara getting cleaned up and ready for bed.

This is one of Katie's favorite pictures of Clara because of how she is holding her hand close to her mouth.
This Clara showing off her cute little body.
The little church on the way to the hospital is decorated with palms fronds. It reminds us of the miraculous Easter story. May God bless all of you now and always.
Quote of the Day:
There are no seven wonders
of the world in the eyes of the child.
There are seven million.
Walt Streightiff


Alex, Yoli, Gracie and Abbie Wiederrich said...

The girls are looking great! It's good to see how fast they are growing! We will continue to remember you in our prayers and give thanks for the miracles that are unfolding before our eyes in the lives of Clara and Olivia.

Anonymous said...

Gr-grandma Iva says that Clara and Oliva are two of those seven million wonders. God is good!

teachin said...

The girls tummies are starting to fill out and they look like there's a bit of red in their hair. I agree with Gr-Grandma Iva. Clara and Olivia are definitely two of God's many wonders. Yes! God is Good.